farmd, with perfection

If you’re a chef, a restaurateur, or a food enthusiast, we have a farm just for you.
Whether it's the crispness of Japanese winter, the freshness of European spring, we provide optimal growing conditions for every crop in our farm.

Pristine soil ensures that each harvest blossoms in its finest shape, delivering an unparalleled variety, taste and aroma.

With a diverse selection of over 40 varieties sourced from the world's
premier seed breeders, we offer a vast flavor palette that includes both
familiar crops and exotic treasures from around the world.

farmd, with the finest

We work hand in hand with seed growers, plant breeders and agronomists spanning the globe to ensure that we offer you only the finest produce.

We’ve partnered with leading professors from research institutions in Singapore, Germany and the Netherlands to develop cutting-edge technology to optimize resource efficiency and yield best-in-class, always-in-season produce in extraordinary varieties.

Our unique approach integrates expertise in plant physiology, growth models, micro-environmental dynamics, and cutting-edge engineering applications, ensuring that excellence is cultivated from seed to plate.